Funds Available for Agricultural Export Marketing Plans (AEMP)

Florida has a well-established and active Small Business Development Center (SBDC) network. Our Agribusiness Industry Team has recently been advised that the Florida SBDC Network has received supplemental 2017 funding for assisting in the preparation of Agricultural Export Marketing Plans (AEMP) for farmers and those involved in producing value-added food products in Florida. The funding allows for an SBDC to prepare an AEMP on behalf of a producer at a fraction of the actual cost to produce the report. The report may then be used for establishing or adjusting the company’s export plan, for obtaining financing, and the like.

As with most public funding programs, this supplemental funding is limited in both amount and time to apply. If you have, or are contemplating an agricultural export program for your ranch, farm or business, please contact your local SBDC or Dennis Corrick, a member of the Dean Mead Agribusiness Industry Team, for additional information. Mr. Corrick may be reached at

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