Hurricane Relief Front and Center at Florida Agriculture Financial Management Conference

Orlando, Fla. – In the aftermath of Hurricane Irma’s $2.5 billion in damage to Florida’s agriculture industry, state leaders are aiming their attention at financial aid for growers. It’s just one of the key issues that will be addressed at the 7th Annual Florida Agriculture Financial Management Conference (FAFMC) on November 2 – 3, 2017 at the B Resort & Spa in Lake Buena Vista, Florida. The conference agenda is available at

National agricultural and economic experts are expected to cover the latest trends and tools to assist producers with maximizing the financial health of their businesses. Educational sessions cover topics such as economic forecasting, insurance, risk management, tax planning, cybersecurity, corporate governance, farmland valuations, crop planning, and external factors influencing cash flow.

Back by popular demand, Dr. Edmond J. Seifried, keynote speaker and Professor Emeritus of Economics and Business at Lafayette College, will share his outlook on tax reform and what businesses can expect from a Trump economy. He’ll lead participants through the maze of economic indicators and financial news to help them create a strategy for spotting trends and maximizing profits.

Agricultural Meteorologist, Dr. S. Elwynn Taylor will address severe weather patterns in the United States. Tropical Storms are some what cyclic over a period of years.  The El Nino / La Nina do influence the risk of severe storms in the USA.  The Temperature of the Sea surface appears to be a major aspect of changing climate with the greatest impact on the agriculture economy.  The next nine years may bring harsh weather not seen in the past 90 years. His presentation will provide valuable information for growers who are currently working on their PRF crop insurance policies.

FAFMC is a collaborative effort to assist Florida’s farmers and ranchers.  Event organizers have maintained their commitment to offer a high-quality experience and affordable pricing for farmers and agricultural producers at one of central Florida’s premier resorts.  Regina Thomas, co-chair of the conference noted, “Our focus is on mentoring agribusinesses to grow in an industry that has seen rapid change. We want to help them diversify and stay ahead of the curve.”

Industry leaders will share information to help business owners increase their bottom line. Attendees can expect to receive key take-aways they can implement immediately including:

  • Examine cash flow analyses, custom reports and real-time technology for a 360 degree look at financial performance.
  • Evaluate the impact of dash boards, benchmarking and cash vs. accrual accounting on business strategy.
  • Maximize daily operations and financial results by utilizing economic indicators and performance metrics.
  • Enhance understanding of financial markets, income tax planning and overall business management and marketing.

Educational sessions benefit everyone from farm owners and managers, to chief financial officers, controllers and other allied professionals such as lenders, accountants and attorneys. Each year conference organizers apply for continuing education credits for both CPAs and lawyers. For more information or to register, please visit

Key sponsors and contributors include University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Services (UF IFAS), Dean Mead Law Firm, Florida Fruit & Vegetable Association (FFVA), Driscoll’s, Florida Specialty Crop Foundation, Florida Nursery Growers and Landscapers Association (FNGLA), and Farm Credit Associations of Florida. In addition, corporate sponsorship packages are available. Contact Karen Keene at for sponsorship details.


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