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Practice Area

Land Development

Dean Mead’s Real Estate Department has represented clients in connection with the development of thousands of acres throughout Florida, including commercial, residential, and mixed-use projects. From small projects to one of the largest Development of Regional Impact (DRI) developments in the state, Dean Mead has assisted our developer clients in every aspect of the development process.

Our lawyers have expertise in dealing with the broad range of issues that arise in the development process, including impact fees, concurrency, utilities, endangered species, wetlands, infrastructure construction, and development permitting. We also have expertise in community development districts and homeowner associations, as well as federal and state regulations applicable to the marketing of residential developments.


Let's Work Together

We would love to talk with you about how we may assist you. However, please know that contacting us through this page does not establish an attorney-client relationship; no attorney-client relationship will be established until you and we agree to representation. You should not send us any confidential information through contact from this page or until requested by the attorney, and we will not treat any information you choose to provide as confidential.